The Company’s 2014 Annual Report was approved by the General Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 22, 2015. In addition to the traditional version, JSC TGC-1 prepared an Interactive Annual Report, which is available on
The Annual General Shareholder Meeting was held on June 22, 2015. The shareholders approved the Company’s annual report for 2014, annual financial statements, including the Company’s 2014 financial results as well as the allocation of the 2014 profits.
Professional excellence competition among JSC TGC-1 CHPP specialists held in St. Petersburg is over. A first place by overall score was given to energy workers at the Yuzhnaya CHPP.
In June 16-19, 2015, professional excellence competition among JSC TGC-1 CHPP specialists is held in St. Petersburg. There are ten teams from St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblast competing.
On June 5, 2015, a fish pass was opened at the Nizhne-Tulomskaya HPP of JSC TGC-1. It is a unique hydraulic structure that was designed for seasonal salmon spawning.
Proceeding from results of the first quarter 2015, TGC-1’s environmental emissions reduced by 7.5% to the similar 2014 period, substances emissions into waters reduced by 33.8%. None of 54 power plants has shown excess of set environmental norms.
Major spillway renovation is starting at the Nizhne-Tulomskaya HPP of JSC TGC-1. From June 8, 2015, vehicles will no longer be allowed to drive through the dam because of the work.
On 03 June 2015 in Murmashi, the professional photographer Alexander Popov delivered a master class in industrial photography for Murmansk correspondents and bloggers. This event passed within the framework of the Real Energy contest arranged by JSC TGC-1 on the year of its 10-th Anniversary.
On 1-5 June 2015, contests of the power plant’s cross-related operating staff of Gazprom energoholding LLC will be organized in the Stravropol training center. Six teams representing power plants of JSC TGC-1, JSC Mosenergo, and JSC WGC-2 will take place in the contest.
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