Company News

3 May 2012 года

JSC TGC-1 will hold solemn events for the power engineering specialists- veterans devoted to the Victory Day

May 4, 2012, representatives of Council of Veterans of TGC-1 and company management will hold a traditional meeting with veterans of the World Warr II and Sieged Leningrad citizens at Vasileostrovskaya CHP.

26 April 2012 года

JSC TGC-1: 2011 IFRS Results

JSC TGC-1 releases audited consolidated financial statements (prepared

in accordance with IFRS) for the year ended 31 December 2011.

25 April 2012 года

TGC-1 is continuing the setting-up of the sound attenuator at Petrozavodskaya CHP

TGC-1 is continuing the setting-up of the sound attenuator at Petrozavodskaya CHP which provides heat to more than 85% of the housing stock of the city.

24 April 2012 года

TGC-1 has finished installation the rotor of the hydroelectric generator at Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade within the complex refurbishment project

April 24, 2012 TGC-1 has finished installation the rotor of the hydroelectric generator at Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade within the complex refurbishment project

23 April 2012 года

«Hour of Power» at Interactive scientific and entertaining centre «Umnikum»

On May 2012 power engineering specialists together with employers of the Interactive scientific and entertaining centre «Umnikum» start a series of lectures about efficient and safe energy use for children as a project called «Hour of Power».

13 April 2012 года

TGC-1 has finished the refurbishment at Apatitskaya CHP plant

April 13, 2012 TGC-1 has finished the refurbishment of the First Unit at Apatitskaya CHP in Murmansk Oblast.


16 March 2012 года

Results of TGC-1 series 01 bond repurchase

On March 15, TGC-1 has fully settled its obligations to repurchase bonds of series 01.

12 March 2012 года

Approval of candidates to the TGC-1’s Board of Directors

The TGC-1’s Board of Directors approved a list of candidates to the Company’s Board of Directors to be voted for at the Annual General Shareholder Meeting.

12 March 2012 года

TGC-1 issues bonds of series 04

On March 11, 2012, TGC-1 has successfully completed issuing 10-year bonds of series 04 at MICEX. The bonds were completely sold out in the market.

5 March 2012 года

TGC-1’s net profit under RAS increased by 4% in 2011

JSC TGC-1 published its financial statements for 2011, made under Russian Accounting Standards (RAS).