Company News
3 May 2012 года
JSC TGC-1 will hold solemn events for the power engineering specialists- veterans devoted to the Victory Day
26 April 2012 года
JSC TGC-1: 2011 IFRS Results
25 April 2012 года
TGC-1 is continuing the setting-up of the sound attenuator at Petrozavodskaya CHP
24 April 2012 года
TGC-1 has finished installation the rotor of the hydroelectric generator at Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade within the complex refurbishment project
16 March 2012 года
Results of TGC-1 series 01 bond repurchase
12 March 2012 года
Approval of candidates to the TGC-1’s Board of Directors
12 March 2012 года
TGC-1 issues bonds of series 04
5 March 2012 года