Company News

14 February 2014 года

At Pravoberezhnaya CHPP Russian and Finnish power specialists discussed prospects of cooperation

February 13, 2014 at Pravoberezhnaya CHPP was held a Russian-Finnish seminar of experts in the field of district heating systems.

12 February 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 held international meeting on co-regulation of Lake Inari

55th international meeting of the Commissioners from Russia, Finland and Norway on co-regulation of Lake Inari was held on February 12, 2014 at the main office of JSC TGC-1.

11 February 2014 года

In Apatity started the most massive competition in cross country skiing

On February 8, in Apatity was held the first stage of IV youth competitions in ski racing for the Cup of Kolsky branch of JSC TGC-1. 180 skiers from eight localities of the Murmansk region took part in it. The first time this year, for the tournament joined teams from Olenegorsk and Monchegorsk.

6 February 2014 года

Young artists teach St. Petersburg to save energy

JSC TGC-1 and JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid opened at the Museum and Galleries of Modern Art Erarta exhibition of children's drawings on the theme of saving electricity and heat.

3 February 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 presents the results of its business operations over 2013

JSC TGC-1 has summed up the results of its business operations over the 4th quarter and 12 months of 2013.

29 January 2014 года

Kondopozhskaya HPP celebrates 85-year anniversary

January 29, 2014 one of the oldest Russian hydropower plants Kondopozhskaya HPP celebrates 85-year anniversary. The pioneer of electrification in Karelia is with the capacity 25.6 MW and has annual output of 130 million kWh.

24 January 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 revives sports traditions

23 January 2014 opened rink which 30 years later was again created in Gubernatorsky Park in Petrozavodsk. The idea of revival of the rink has implemented JSC TGC-1.

21 January 2014 года

At Iovskaya HPP was put into operation the first modernized hydraulic unit

January 21, 2014 at Iovskaya HPP was put into operation the first modernized hydraulic unit with capacity of 48 MW.