ПАО «ТГК-1» представляет производственные показатели за 9 месяцев 2020 года
Electricity output of TGC-1, including JSC Murmanskaya CHPP, for January-September of 2020 comprised 20,112.8 million kWh, showing a slight decrease of 1.2% compared to the same period in 2019.
The electricity output by hydro power plants increased by 12.8% due to the higher water content in the regions where company operates in the reporting period. Comparable electricity output at TGC-1 condensed heat power plants decreased by 12.1%.
TGC-1 electricity output summary (million kWh)
| 9M 2019 | 9M 2020 | Difference |
Nevsky branch | 12,613.2 | 11,896.1 | -5.7% |
Karelsky branch | 2,726.3 | 2,929.3 | +7.4% |
Kolsky branch | 5,014.2 | 5,277.8 | +5.3% |
TGC-1 total | 20,353.7 | 20,103.2 | -1.2% |
JSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 9.9 | 9.6 | -3.0% |
TGC-1 total, including JSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 20,363.6 | 20,112.8 | -1.2% |
The volume of heat output from collectors of TGC-1, including JSC Murmanskaya CHPP, comprised 15,304.6 thousand Gcal, which is 4.6% lower than for the 9M 2019 due to the higher ambient temperatures in the heating period of 2020.
TGC-1 heat output summary (thousand Gcal)
| 9M 2019 | 9M 2020 | Difference |
Nevsky branch | 12,491.9 | 11,907.2 | -4.7% |
Karelsky branch | 1,122.7 | 1,079.5 | -3.8% |
Kolsky branch | 1,015.8 | 944.0 | -7.1% |
TGC-1 total | 14,630.4 | 13,930.7 | -4.8% |
JSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 1,416.1 | 1,373.9 | -3.0% |
TGC-1 total, including JSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 16,046.5 | 15,304.6 | -4.6% |
For more information about the results of the company’s production performance, please visit the Reports section of the corporate website.
TGC-1 (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 52 power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, and Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.
TGC-1's installed electric capacity is 6.9 GW, and heat capacity is 13.5 thousand Gcal/h. Major Shareholders: Gazprom Energoholding LLC (51.79%) and Fortum Power and Heat Oy (29.45%).