В Санкт-Петербурге открылась фотовыставка «Строительство Волховской ГЭС»
As part of festive events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Volhovskaya HPP, on December 30, the photo exhibition, showing the construction of the first project under the plan of GOELRO, opened in the Ladozhskiy Railway Station's passage. The city residents and guests will be able to see unique archive photos of Volhovstroy. The exhibition will run until January 13, 2017.
It bears reminding that HPP anniversary celebration events took place in December 2016. The Monument in honour of the builders and power specialists of Volhovskaya HPP was opened on the bank of Volhov River. The plant now has a modern museum where the unique documents are displayed, as well as photos and technical exhibit items, being carefully preserved by the employees.
The section about Volhovskaya HPP was also opened at TGC-1's website: tgc1.ru/volkhovskaya90/
TGC-1 is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the Northwest of Russia. The Company comprises the electric power plants within four entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Region and the Murmansk Region.