В Мурмашах открылся музей Каскада Туломских и Серебрянских ГЭС

25 December 2015 года

On December 25, 2015, the Tuloma and Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade museum opened in Murmashi at JSC TGC-1 Nizhnetulomskaya HPP.

On December 25, 2015, the Tuloma and Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade museum opened in Murmashi at JSC TGC-1 Nizhnetulomskaya HPP.

The exhibit is dedicated to the construction of the most powerful HPPs Cascade in the Murmansk Oblast. For the first time, museum visitors will be able to see unique documents from World War II, archive photos, rare devices and mechanisms, as well as HPPs engineering documentation.

The opening of the museum commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the Tuloma HPPs Cascade.

"Almost all items here are original," says Igor Patsan, the Director of Tuloma and Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade. "We worked hard to locate rare documents and WWII military orders. I would like to thank our current and former employees who helped a lot by sharing historical documents from their personal archives.”

The museum occupies a special space in the second floor of HPP generator room. Thus, the impression from the historic exhibit is enhanced by the panoramic view of operating electrical machines.

The museum will be adding new items to those already on display. Tours of the museum will become part of Cascade employee induction training and attract students of related colleges and schools.