В Апатитах начались первые испытания тепломагистрали от Апатитской ТЭЦ

24 May 2013 года

From 23 May 2013 to early June the first tests were carried out in the area of heating system from Apatitskaya CHPP to the 1st heat main pavilion. Washing process was carried out and from the cavities of pipes were removed fine sand and rust. Most complex tests are planned for the summer such as checking the pipe to the maximum temperature and maximum strength.

From 23 May 2013 to early June the first tests were carried out in the area of heating system from Apatitskaya CHPP to the 1st heat main pavilion. Washing process was carried out and from the cavities of pipes were removed fine sand and rust. Most complex tests are planned for the summer such as checking the pipe to the maximum temperature and maximum strength.

"These days Apatitskaya CHPP celebrates 54, - said Alexander Sobakin, chief engineer of the station. - With the implementation of the project of construction of a heating system begins a new stage in the development of our company. "

The capacity factor of Apatitskaya CHPP has reached record 96% in 1960 - 1962 years when the plant supplied about 37% of total grid’s electricity.

"According to our calculations, after the commissioning of the heating duct heat load of Apatitskaya CHPP will increase by 1.5 times. By incorporating the work of the existing reserves of power will be able to improve the efficiency of thermal power generation, "- said Alexander Sobakin.