На Лесогорской ГЭС ведется монтаж последнего гидроагрегата

29 May 2013 года

JSC TGC-1 has started installation of equipment on Lesogorskaya HPP of Vuoksinskie HPPs Cascade in Leningrad region — the components of stator of the last modernized hydropower unit arrived at the station.

JSC TGC-1 has started installation of equipment on Lesogorskaya  HPP of Vuoksinskie HPPs Cascade in Leningrad region — the components of stator of the last modernized hydropower unit arrived at the station.

"The first stage of modernization is always a dismantling of old equipment, — tells about the progress in reconstruction Denis Zimin, chief engineer of Vuoksinskie HPPs Cascade JSC TGC-1. — Then we increase and change the flow path for the installation of a new turbine. After that a foundation for stator and a load-bearing cross for generator are built. "

According to engineer, in the process of installation unique technical solutions are used — new units are installed in place of the old with the increase of the turbines’ flow. This increases efficiency and allows Lesogorskaya HPP to replace the outdated equipment with minimal changes of technical system of the station.

As a result of the reconstruction at Lesogorskaya HPP its power will increase to 118 MW.