Соревнования оперативного персонала ТЭС «Газпром энергохолдинга» прошли в Санкт-Петербурге
27-31 May 2013 the competition of operational staff between Gazprom energoholding TPPs were held in St. Petersburg. The event took place at the Study Center of JSC TGC-1. It was attended by twelve teams from the stations of JSC TGC-1, JSC Mosenergo and JSC OGC-2.
The participants demonstrated knowledge of safety and regulatory documents, skills in equipment management and the provision of first aid, fire training, and the ability to eliminate the abnormal situation on the equipment. For this purpose virtual simulators, models and special testing ground were used.
"Equipment and systems are getting more complex, new combined-cycle power units are put into operation and it requires high qualifications. One of the main objectives of the competition is increasing professionalism of specialists and improve training facilities. We are confident that these measures increase the level of technical reliability of the stations separately and power system as a whole ", - said Deputy Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development, LLC Gazprom energoholding Elena Rusina.
The winner of the competition was the team of CHPP-21 JSC Mosenergo, which will present Gazprom energoholding at the All-Russia competition of operating personnel.
In addition, the judging panel has identified personal winners and awarded the title The Best in the profession.