Апатитская ТЭЦ перешла на летний режим работы
May 29, 2013 Apatitskaya CHPP switched to summer mode in accordance with the decision of administration.
In 2012, a heating period lasted 251 days. For the first 9 months the station gave citizens 886.6 thousand Gcal of heat power.
In interheating period at Apatitskaya CHPP in the repair campaign will be carried out activities necessary to provide people with a reliable hot water in the coming autumn-winter season. It will be the repair of capital equipment, the replacement of more than 100 meters of railway tracks, cleaning flues and chimney repairs.
Also in 2013 about 500 meters of main heating systems will be replaced. Pressure testing of networks on the density and strength showed which areas of pipelines are damaged or frayed.
In the new heating season the station will serve two cities — Apatity and Kirovsk. In Kirovsk the intra equipment and part of heat to the pavilion number 1 are tested. Heating duct will be built this fall.