Новый энергоблок ПГУ-450 Правобережной ТЭЦ успешно прошел комплексное опробование
November 19, 2012 on regular Board of Directors meeting the General Director of JSC TGC-1 Andrey Filippov reported the successful comprehensive testing of combined cycle gas turbine unit at Pravoberezhnaya CHP with power capacity of 450 megawatts.
The event as part of commissioning tests was held on November 18, 2012. Power unit provided uninterrupted stable load for all operation — from a minimum 270 to maximum 470 MW for more than 90 hours of continuous work. 39 million kWh was granted in the power net.
With the commissioning of a new unit the power capacity of Pravoberezhnaya CHP will increase to 630 MW and the installed thermal capacity — up to 1283 Gcal/h. The updated station will provide reliability and quality of urban heating, and reduce the press on the environment through the use of new energy-efficient technologies.