TGС-1 Green Energy

TGС-1 Green Energy

TGC-1 PJSC helps its consumers on their way to carbon neutrality while taking care of climate protection for future generations

TGC-1 is the largest electricity producer in the Northwestern Federal District and part of Gazprom Energoholding Group


Green energy generated since 1 January 2021

Renewables footprint of TGC-1 PJSC

40 HPPs with a total capacity of 2,863 MW

Effects from stakeholders having green energy expansion in their business

Reduced carbon footprint in manufactured products.

Higher ESG score:

  • Higher market value of the business,
  • Opportunity to access green financing,
  • Opportunity to get financing with a reduced interest rate tied to the ESG score.

Achievement of sustainable development goals.

TGC-1 PJSC joined I-REC

I-REС (The International REC Standard Foundation) is an international non-profit organisation that has developed and implemented a robust instrument for tracking electricity origin in 35 countries across the world. ‘Green’ I-REC certificates comply with the key international sustainable development standards (i.e., GHGP, CDP, and RE100).

Currently, TGC-1 PJSC has the registrant status and the participant status, which allows issuing certificates:

  • To an I-REC participant;
  • To the recipient with the possibility of certificate redemption.

Therefore, TGC-1 PJSC is ready to trade the ‘turnkey’ I-REC certificates.

How to buy green energy

Our Partners

Become a partner or learn more about buying green energy

TGC-1 PJSC Electricity Sales Department

Sergey Sergeevich Saraev
Head of the Department
+7 (921) 884-09-77,

Roman Sergeevich Lutsenko
TGC-1 PJSC Electricity Sales Department
+7 (921) 955-58-73,


24 December 2021

TGC-1 Tied Up a Debut International Deal to Sell Green Certificates

This is the first deal between TGC-1 and a foreign company.

23 December 2021

TGC-1 has scored second in Environmental Transparency Rating for Fossil-Fuel & Power Generating Companies

In 2021 TGC-1 PJSC has scored second in Environmental Transparency Rating for Fossil-Fuel & Power Generating Companies in Russia, up by 6 positions from last year.

09 December 2021

TGС-1 PJSC ‘green’ certificates will be listed on the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange

TGС-1 PJSC and the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX JSC) signed a partnership agreement on 9 December.

17 November 2021

TGC-1 PJSC provided “green” power to the offices of Sberbank

Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia, purchased from TGC-1 PJSC more than 142,000 “green” certificates of I-REC international standard confirming that the power is produced from renewable sources.

16 November 2021

TGC-1 PJSC and VEB.RF Research and Expertise Institute concluded an agreement on the mutual development of the “green” financial market

The partnership is based on cooperation in forming and developing the “green” financing and “green” financial market in the North-Western Federal District.

09 November 2021

TGC-1 PJSC begins selling “green” certificates according to I-REC international standard

Offers will be accepted from November 8 until November 25, 2021.

18 August 2021

TGC-1 concludes a deal to issue green certificates for Beko

The deal took place on the Sber blockchain platform.

14 July 2021

TGC-1 to supply “green” energy for Shchekinoazot Chemical Company

Shchekinoazot Chemical Company has acquired 5,000 “green” certificates from TGC-1 PJSC, which confirm the origin of energy from renewable sources.

07 June 2021

TGC-1 and PhosAgro Strike a Bargain to Cooperate in “Green” Energy

Within the 2021 Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, TGC-1 PJSC and PhosAgro PJSC signed a cooperation agreement relating to the proof of origin of generated and consumed electricity.

07 June 2021

TGC-1 Supply “Green” Energy from HPPs to AB InBev Efes Plant

TGC-1 PJSC concluded a free contract for the sale and purchase of electricity (100 MW) with AB InBev Efes, a major brewing company.

13 January 2021

TGC-1 Expands Supplies of Green Energy from HPPs

TGC-1 PJSC entered into a free contract for the sale and purchase of electricity in the amount of 100 MW with the mining and processing plant of Apatit JSC (Kirovsk Branch of Apatit JSC, PhosAgro Group).