Construction of the CCGT-450 power unit at Pravoberezhnaya CHPP


Project Scope

Construction of the second power unit at Pravoberezhnaya CHPP with the basis of combined-cycle gas turbine, 450 MW and 316 Gcal/h in capacity.

About the Plant

Pravoberezhnaya CHPP supplies electricity and heat to industrial enterprises, residential and public areas of Nevsky and Krasnogvardeysky districts in St. Petersburg with population more than 700,000 people.

Upgrade Effects

  • Increased reliability and quality of the South-Eastern city districts power supply;
  • Provided reserve of electric and heat capacity for future possible needs of the developing neighbouring districts;
  • Improved total reliability of the power system;
  • Reducing environmental impact at the expense of the use of new technologies.
